Lowell Plastic Bag Ban Reports Out of Committee

Lowell Plastic Bag Ban Reports Out of Committee

Tomorrow night is Prince Spaghetti—no, wait, that’s Wednesday. Tomorrow night is the Lowell City Council meeting! For a good overall preview, you can always turn to Mimi, who is now blogging over at RH.com.

But tucked into the city council agenda doc is something very important. Namely, that the Environmental and Flood Subcommittee will be favorably reporting out the plastic bag ban in a 2 to 1 yea vote. Please note: the so-called “Democrat” Rodney Elliott voted against it, something to keep in mind during the state Senate primary. This is the next step to a motion which Councilor Karen Cirillo proposed a while back.

As Councilor Cirillo noted, 65 cities and towns in Massachusetts have banned plastic bags already. Sure, some of them are the usual suspects like Cambridge or Brookline; but other cities and towns include Falmouth, Gloucester, and Westford.

This is a big deal in Lowell, a place where change sometimes comes reluctantly, if at all. (Backyard chickens and bike lanes, anyone?) So if you really want to see this policy move forward to the next step, I’d encourage you to come out to the City Council meeting tomorrow night, 6:30pm at City Hall. Since it was just Earth Day this past weekend, here is something concrete you can support to protect the planet!

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